Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's in the (Face)book.

Facebook. Twitter. LinkedIn. YouTube. The list goes on and on...

Social networks and...your Business?

I really should start this with a confession, and I can't remember the last time I made a confession so here it is: I was a non-believer. What legitimate business would stoop so low to be associated with "social networks" where teeny-boppers, young adults and the occasional mothers gather in mass to trade stories and pictures from events and happenings? I apparently did not do my homework on the growing relationship between businesses and the countless social networks available today.

A social network is just that, a common place for friends and family to stay in contact and stay in the loop on what's going on in people's lives. For businesses, as is true for individuals, you want to stay in contact and keep your customers in the loop on what's going on now and in the coming days.

Millions of people are comfortable with these social networks and so these networks have become a great tool for all businesses to reach out to their customers on a common ground. It offers a great platform for customers to interact with each other as well as the business itself.

Simply Easier Payments has joined the social frontier. By making a Facebook profile, Simply Easier Payments has given other businesses and individuals a common place for the masses to interact and gain information, not only from us, but from each other. Check us out (search "SEP Payments" on Facebook) and browse other pages, groups and friends related with Simply Easier Payments.

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