Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Interesting Article: "Bye-Bye E-Mail?"

We all love mail, whether it's regular postal mail or the e-mail. Everyone is e-mailing each other these days and why not, it's quick, easy and most times free. A lot of business can be accomplished through e-mails too. Basically, the "e-mail" has transformed the way we communicate and we love it.

But something caught my eyes today as I was roaming the Twitter account for Simply Easier Payments. Some other user of Twitter, someone I'm "following", had a link to an article titled "Bye-Bye E-Mail". Obviously I clicked the link and it took me to the "Bye-Bye E-Mail" article.

Here's a quick excerpt from that article:

"Two factors are dramatically changing the e-mail landscape: the recession and social media. Independently, these elements of change wouldn't cause a shake up to the e-mail industry. Together, however, they can have quite an impact."

It's a pretty good read, I recommend taking the time. The thing that's so interesting to me is the social media aspect of it since I've been spending a good bit of time learning my way around integrating various social medias with Simply Easier Payments. In fact I've given you our Twitter account above (follow us!) and you can even find us on Facebook, just look for S Easier Payments and friend us, we would love to have that connection with you.

Obviously we all know it would take a major event for something to make e-mails obsolete, but the obvious joy and convenience of the more "direct" and "personal contact" you get through social medias definitely gives the "e-mail" a run for its money.

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